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Out off imagery I took off all my clothes


Tension, friction, restless, flip. If your body collapses, you instinctually grip whatever surrounds you or what makes you feel safe. That day in the print lab I lost my grip. Restless legs undermined systems of thought, ideas collapsed into muscles of unknowing and conceptual rhythms sweat apart.

Out of imagery and in void of desperation, I took off all my clothes.


Here we go, an artistic survival strategy. Blow out. Stripped action with no fixed foundation. Chaos x-rays possibilities for change and outlines openings. Flipmoment. Chaos is mobile. Chaos is powerful. Don’t blur, nowness of movement is urgency towards change. Stripped down to desperate actions, I printed on any flat surface surrounding me. Mesh T120. 120 openings within an inch in any direction. Move. Acceleration works.


Flipmoment; when you switch position, collapse, accelerate


Exposed to light I strained silhouettes with a squeegee. Full body weight. By pushing the squeegee, the outer edge of my hoodie appeared on a whiteboard. Bright yellow. Like a big marker highlighting the outer edges of shapes. Like a landscape of billboards displaying semi figurations of red puffy elevation or cotton rib depression. A rise and a fall of something. Mountains have an elevation based on how high they are, and your mood has an elevation as you get happier. Mark making. Outbreaks. Flip flop.


Screen print is a high-speed technique. Water soluble and sensitive to sharp etches. Sensitive mesh/flesh. Accidently on purpose speed frees mental constructions from creeping in on you. Self-portrait? A friend asked, naah… extended liberation (!!) out of action. Life and flips. Open to manifold sensation. Slippery moves, boundaries don’t hold. Accelerate. Sky, hi. Need a fixed point? Magnets hold you.


Opening reception: Wednesday March 1. 2023. Time: 16.00-19.00

Exhibition period: March  4 - 5 2023

Opening hours: Saturday-Sunday: 12.00-16.00 or by appointment.

Adress: Uplandsgade 52, Building S, 2300 Copenhagen

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